Faster patient recruitment for any clinical trial

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Use the most advanced solutions

nRollmed offers faster patient enrollment with tailor-made services to fit any clinical trial specifications. We combine data-driven patient targeting with patient pre-screening and personal site support. Our solutions are integrated into the patients’ journey through the duration of the clinical trial. Each stage is designed to offer Sponsors and CROs faster, more reliable participation of eligible patients. Read more about our customizable, comprehensive process.

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Reach your clinical trial completion date faster
80% of clinical trials are delayed due to insufficient patient enrollment.
Beat the odds by partnering with nRollmed to recruit qualified patients.
Move to the upper 20%
Whether you are a sponsor, CRO or clinical site, patient recruitment is a major concern. When recruitment is behind schedule - clinical trials are delayed and costs increase.
Use the most advanced solutions
Big Pharma’s approach to recruitment is evolving; tools to increase efficiency currently represent a large investment area. The concepts of patient-centricity and patient recruitment are merging into a new, holistic model.
Ensure your trial stands out
Studies are more complicated and Inclusion/Exclusion criteria more restrictive. These Increasing eligibility criteria for clinical trials make it harder to find and enroll patients, and maintain retention rates.
Beat the competition from the beginning
On-site competition for eligible patients and trial attention is fierce; don’t leave patient enrollment to the site's discretion. Our involvement often improves sites’ results and their cooperation and motivation.
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Why nRollmed?

nRollmed gives you faster, more effective patient enrollment for any clinical trial by combining
data-driven patient targeting with personal site support and ongoing patient support.
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Digital Outreach
A study-specific advertising campaign is designed to generate "leads" - people who are considering participating in your clinical study and are interested in receiving more information. Campaigns target audiences based on geographical area and Inclusion/Exclusion criteria.
Site Support
Most sites cannot find enough eligible patients just from their own sources. We supply leads to complete the recruitment gap. You set the number of monthly leads you want us to provide.
Site Optimization
Our cloud-based customized PRM tool helps sites manage all patient referrals. Sites appreciate how intuitive and streamlined the patient management software is.
Cost Effectiveness
Among all traditional methods, an online campaign is the most cost effective. Working with us you also benefit from our pricing model – paying only for leads you get. There is no initial investment - you pay for success and can stop the campaign when the patient target is reached.
A successful recruitment & retention process depends on patient satisfaction and commitment to the clinical trial. Patients who proactively initiate their participation in a trial are more engaged and compliant.
Total Flexibility
We offer total flexibility allowing you to select the services you require for each stage of the clinical trial, which sites to involve, the number of lead referrals, and the duration. You can change your preferences as needed.
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