nRollmed worked within the sponsor’s budget and provided 260 leads, exceeding the predicted number by 110. After pre-screening, 70 patients were referred to the sites, of which 6 signed consent. Four of these were randomized with a 33% screen fail rate, improving on the sponsor’s expected screen fail rate of 60-75%.
In the time that nRollmed was active, 7 patients were randomized. nRollmed’s referrals made up more than 50% of the enrollments in that time period.
The study, which had been recruiting on average one patient a month for the previous year, increased to enrolling three patients a month. This was due to nRollmed’s persistence in increasing site attention and commitment to the study, and by nRollmed’s work to widen the patient pool.
nRollmed’s referrals equal more than 50% of enrollments